Seth Ramdas Ji Gudwale –

anonymous fighter🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳
Where are these names in the pages of history??
Seth Ramdas Ji Gudwale –
great revolutionary of 1857,
Danveer whom the British before hanging
set hounds on them
Who scratched his body alive!
Seth Ramdas ji Goodwala Delhi’s billionaire Seth, was a banker,
He was born in an Agarwal family in Delhi.
His family had established the first cloth mill in Delhi.
they had a proverb of wealth
“Ramdas ji Gudwale has so much gold and silver jewels that he can even stop the water of Ganga ji from his walls”
When the spark of revolution started from Meerut in 1857 and reached Delhi,
So after the defeat of the British from Delhi, the Indian armies of many princely states camped in Delhi.
The problem of their food, salary has arisen! Ramjidas Gudwale was a close friend of the emperor!
Ramdas ji could not see this state of the king!
He handed over his property worth crores to the king.
“The motherland will be protected
Then the money will be earned again.
Ramjidas did not only give money,
Sattu to the soldiers,
grain oxen,
Even arranged fodder for camels and horses!
Seth ji who till now had only done business,
The work of organization of army and intelligence department has also started.
Even the British generals were surprised to see the power of their organization!
He spread a network of spies all over northern India,
Made secret contact with many military cantonments!
He built a powerful army and intelligence organization from within.
Spies were sent to every corner of the country and even the smallest mansabdars prayed to the kings to unite in this crisis.
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Due to such revolutionary activities of Ramdas ji, the British government and officials
started getting very worried,
Due to some reasons the British started recapturing Delhi.
One day, in front of the shops of Chandni Chowk, he got boxes of liquor mixed with poison placed everywhere.
The British army quenches their thirst,
She used to lie down.
The British understood that India has to be ruled
So the end of Ramdas ji is very important!!
Seth Ramdas Ji Gudwale was caught by fraud
the way he was killed,
She is an example of cruelty!!
first they were tied to a pole with ropes
then hounds were released on them
After that he was hanged in front of the police station of Chandni Chowk, Delhi in the same half-dead state!!
Famous historian Tarachand has written in his book ‘History of Freedom Movement’ –
“Seth Ramdas Gudwala was the richest Seth of North India!!
According to the British, he had innumerable pearls, diamonds and jewels and immense wealth!!

Many revolutionaries like Seth Ramdas disappeared from the pages of history;

Could we repay the debt of martyrdom of revolutionaries like Seth Ramdas?

Millions of salutes to you by the country, sycophantic historians may have forgotten them, but this country and countrymen salute your sacrifice and sacrifice.

Puri Khushboo

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